Sunday, October 16, 2016

25 Years in the Making

25 Years in the Making

The thing that I love about fishing is that you'll never know what you'll catch.  This past weekend was the opening for fall trout at over 50 lakes across Illinois.  Did you go out?  Many of you were probably duck hunting or sitting in your deer stand.

For the past several years we've been reporting about how the spring and fall trout release is perfect for teaching kids the basics about fishing, as well as having a fun filled adventure.  I know because there were two types of fishing that I can remember from when I was a kid.

The first is fishing Navy Pier for perch.  While the perch are not as abundant as they used to be perch fishing is another type of fishing that is great to teach kids.  The second is trout fishing.

This past weekend my dad and I fished Jim Edgar Panther Creek's Gridley Lake in Cass County.  As we launched the boat and started fishing the deep hole that we planned, we heard a lot of people talking about how they were finding the fish more in the shallows.

After trying several  areas that were more shallow and letting several hours pass, we were still unsuccessful.   All of a sudden my dad said what's that?  I as looked in the water I saw a golden trout.

You might be asking, what is a golden trout?  

A golden trout results from a genetic anomaly, and contrary to popular belief, this is NOT an albino, but simply a rainbow trout with different coloration. In the wild they are weeded out early by predation, but in a hatchery situation they are protected and do well. Since we stock trout in Illinois from the hatcheries, you have a good chance of catching a “golden.” Anglers love to catch them.  IFishIllinois
My dad grabbed is slip bobber and tossed it over by him.  Nothing... All of a sudden I caught him in the corner of my eye.  I grabbed the little Cleo we had tied on.  I tossed it out and it began following it.  Again nothing, so I tried it a couple times then finally a hit.  Reeling in this Golden Trout was amazing, after 25 years of fishing and I finally caught one :).  And the fishing continued, within 5 minutes I reeled a Rainbow Trout.  Finally, my dad tied on a Celo and after about 15 minutes he caught a  Golden Trout as well. In fact, that was my dad's first Golden Trout!

The whole day out fishing and we caught our only three fish within 20 minutes.  Fishing, you never know how it is going to go.  But, hey we caught our trophies for the day and made memories for a life time.

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