Thursday, October 3, 2013

Keep it fun while Dog Training

Keep it Fun with the Dog

Five years ago, Heather and I bought a furry black dog who we named Reagan.  Reagan was bought off a farmer in Central, Illinois and little did I know that this dog would be one of the best  hunting dogs I’ve had.

Earlier this year I wrote an article regarding training your retriever; how and what to do.  Well for the past several months, like many of you, I’ve been getting ready for waterfowl season.  We did the early morning sessions to escape the heat and did some dove and teal hunting. Well there’s no time like now to make sure everything is in order with your dog and most of all keep it fun.  

During the next couple of weeks, keep the training consistent but keep it more interactive.   What do I mean? Get outside and walk with your dog, reestablish that bond.  I know you’re probably already saying, I have a great bond with my dog.  That’s great! For example, during the next couple weeks before hunting season I will do some fishing.  Reagan always comes with me. Why?  Not because he’s man’s best friend, but I’ve found that it helps with his obedience.  This gets him out of the house and keeps things fun.  Also make sure at the beginning of your training throw some fun bumpers as well as at the end.


You’ve done all the training you can do.  Now is also the time to test him and enjoy all that training you’ve put in .  I test Reagan with four retrieves.  I’ll keep in the far walk until he can’t see me anymore and then walk some more.  I then hide the bumpers out of his sight.  Once I’ve hidden the bumpers I’ll walk back to get Reagan and walk to a preallocated spot to release him. *In fact, this last month is the best time to get those frozen wings/ birds out.  It will increase their drive to retrieve something new.  If all goes right I’ll never have to blow the whistle, but sometimes I have to in order to get him lined back up or give him an over cast.  

There are just  22 days left until the opening day for waterfowl in Central Illinois.  All of us at Capitol Outdoors are excited and have been painting decoys, making decoys, brushing blinds, etc. just like many of you.  Just remember we go fishing, hunting and go outdoors to have fun and to enjoy those moments and you should to.  

Remember Enjoy the Outdoors, Good Luck and Stay Safe.
Capitol Outdoors