Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 1: We are Thankful for our Labrador

Reagan: Our Labrador

I am thankful for our Lab Reagan!  What life would be like if we didn’t have him, I couldn’t even imagine.  He is my little furry friend, true companion, faithful listener, snuggle buddy and #1 hunting partner!

I know I can always count on him for my morning kisses, a happy greeting at the door when we get home from work, and that look he gives you when he wants to play. And  I still can’t get over when he plants his cute puppy face on my lap when he wants me to pat him!
He loves to retrieve and will find that bird no matter what.  A true hunting companion.
He is our Best Friend!

He is the Best Dog we could ask for!
We Love him!

Do you have a pet that is your best bud, hunting companion and snuggle bug?? Comment and tell me about it below! 

Remember Enjoy the Outdoors & Keep it *Classy* 
