Friday, November 1, 2013

November "What are you thankful for?" Challenge

It’s November First and as November Rolls around our minds slowly drift away from Halloween candy to Turkey and Stuffing.  I know it is a holiday, celebrated by lots of food and football, that is still a month away; one where families gather and traditions are shared.

However, Thanksgiving is more than just a day about football and eating.  It’s about striving for being thankful for the family and friends that make your holiday special. A time to truly appreciate the things in your life that you take for granted. 

One of the ways, I am going to celebrate the month of November is the celebrate each day by expressing my appreciation for something in my life.  It can be something small, something that makes your morning brighter; to someone you love, that makes your life more complete. 

If you would like to participate in the November “What are you Thankful for?” Challenge Link-up below. 

All you will have to do is write a daily post about something you are thankful for. Let's share our appreciation with others and be thankful for what we have! 

Remember to Enjoy the Outdoors & Keep it *Classy*

Capitol OutdoorsWoman