Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2015

What are you thankful for? // Thanksgiving 2015

What are you thankful for? // Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving became a National Holiday under President Abraham Lincoln.  While watching some football games this weekend an ad from Verizon Wireless came on.  Of course, they were pushing one of their many products, however they were using the hashtag #Thanksgetting!  Making people think about what they can get this year. We both rolled our eyes. Thanksgetting really?  It's amazing how much Thanksgiving has really changed over the years.

The internet, marketers and so many others have become the downfall of the holiday season.  This began our conversation about what we are thankful for.

We are thankful for our family.  Parents, aunts, uncles, brother, sisters and even our followers.  Don't take life for granted because tomorrow is a new day and we're not guaranteed anything.

We are also thankful and blessed to have a child on the way.  And lets not forget our dogs.  While we are grateful for a home, cars and other material items, we're not thankful for these things.  These items can be replaced or taken away.  While you are out and about or with family remember the true meaning of Thanksgiving!

What are you Thankful for?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22: Thankful that my Christmas Cactus is still alive

If you know me you know that I am not a plant person.  Every plant that I touch usually dies within a short period of time.  It is not like I don't try either, I just don't have a green thumb like some people. 

But this Christmas Cactus and I are doing just fine.  He has been hanging out on the window sill, budding like crazy and just growing away!!  

As I was washing the dishes tonight I looked over and was thinking about all the things I was thankful for today and this little guy caught my eye.  I am thankful that I haven't killed it yet! 

Hopefully it will stay alive one more week, hey, maybe even longer. 

Are you a plant person? Do you have a green thumb? 

Remember Enjoy the Outdoors and Keep it *Classy*


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 20: Thankful for always learning

So, we have lived in our house for about 3 months now and for some reason we couldn't figure out where this light switch went too!!

Today after work Michael was in the hall and must have accidentally hit it and the livingroom light turned on.  We must have two switches for the light in the livingroom, which is good!! 

We never could figure out what this turned on and lord knows why, maybe we were always looking in the opposite direction of the livingroom. Who knows... It was quite a show when we trying to figure it out and eventually just gave up! 

Needless to say it was a very exciting moment in our household. It's the little things I tell ya. Always learning new things about our house. 

So today I'm thankful that we found what this lightswitch turns on. 

Enjoy your night. :) 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19: Thankful for the stars in the sky tonight

It's nice when you look up at night you are able to see a starry sky. I love looking up at the stars. 

It is a nice ending to a day, no matter how bad my day is, I always feel a sense of calm looking up at the starry night sky. 

So, go take a look at the night sky and relax a little bit. 


Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18: Thankful for registering my car on time this year!

You all know that time of year when your car needs to be re-registered.  For me, that time is November. Usually, like most people I wait until the very last second to go to the DMV, pay the money and get my sticker.

Thankfully this year, I was ready to go.  Money in hand, change of address information and all and made it to the DMV today... let me tell you, I was feeling accomplished!!

It is the little things, ladies and gentlemen.  We wanted to get it out of the way, basically so that we wouldn't forget.  Next week is Thanksgiving and we will be traveling for the week, and then I am going to start getting into Christmas mode and I won't be thinking about registering 'Lil Jeep'.

So, remember to register your car if you are due to renew your sticker in November. No one wants to get pulled over for invalid registration, right!

Have a great rest of your night.

Capitol OutdoorsWoman

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 17: Thankful to be able to give thanks

Today started like any given Sunday, but as I sit here watching the news reports come in from the devastation in our surrounding towns it was anything but.

The storms that came through Illinois today, leveling neighborhoods, damaging houses and uprooting trees came through our town. Thankfully it had not gained its strength and power and we only received minor damage. 

Each day that goes by I am thankful for different things, today I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be thankful tonight. 

We go through life sometimes, not thinking, not caring, not blinking an eye at the things that happen all around us. 

During this holiday season: let's all do better to make it what it's supposed to be about. Because life is too short and the unpredictable can happen when you least expect it. 

I know I need to do better to think more about life, family, friends and giving to others. 

My thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storms in Illinois. 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16: Thankful for our espresso machine

Sometimes I want to throw it out the window because it doesn't want to work, but today I am thankful that it decided to brew!

I am thankful for the yummy espresso that I needed after hunting to get me through the rest of my Saturday. 

There is this wall that I hit on the way home from hunting where I just want to crawl into bed and take what would be the best nap ever, but I push through. Usually it's my BFF 'coffee' that gets me through however, today I needed a little bit more of a boost. 

I love these little espresso cups too. They are so cute and sophisticated looking :) 

Well,  I need to get back to enjoying my company :) 

Have a great night. 
