Outdoor news and information focusing on Legislation, Conservation and Education regarding hunting and fishing.
Showing posts with label waterfowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waterfowl. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Waterfowl Hunters Wanted for Macoupin County IRAP Location
Capitol Outdoors received the information below from the IDNR and had to share it. Earlier this year we attended a press conference where we had the privilege of talking to participants of IRAP. This is a great program, with a great success rate, so if you are interested you better get your applications in!
SPRINGFIELD, IL – Looking for a place to duck hunt? Look no further than the Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP). Through an agreement with a private landowner, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has secured a waterfowl hunting site through IRAP and is making it available to licensed hunters for the months of November and December.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Emiquon Preserve Waterfowl Blind Drawing Applications Due October 3rd
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Emiquon Nature Preserve - Photo by: Capitol Outdoors |
This is a great opportunity for you to hunt Emiquon Nature Preserve. We have taken the opportunity and have had the luck of hunting at this preserve. Application Date is fast approaching! It may be hot outside right now, but hunting season is just around the corner. The cool mornings and crisp air with be here before you know it. You'll be watching your dog retrieve those downed birds before you know it.
Public Waterfowl Hunt Rules and Information (Revised 13 September 2018)
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nature.org |
Drawing Application Process
1. To apply for any Advanced Drawing, email or mail the following:
-Phone Number
-Email Address
-Advanced drawing(s) you are applying for: Public, Disabled or Youth
-Date(s) (See Below)
Applicants do not choose their hunting site, instead The Nature Conservancy will assign hunting sites and provide a map to those who are successfully selected.
2. Email above to csmith@tnc.org or mail to Illinois Rivers Program Office, 11304 N. Prairie Road, Lewistown, IL 61542.
3. Applications must be received by October 3. Drawings will be on October 4. Notification by October 12.
4. Individuals should only apply once listing all dates they want to hunt.
5. Registering by phone is not permitted.
6. Failure to include all information may disqualify you from the drawing.
Public waterfowl hunting dates:
October: 27, 30. November: 1,3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29. December: 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25.
Youth Date: October 20 and 21.
Disabled Individuals Dates: November 2, 16 and 30 December 14.
2018 Rules:
1. All hunters must have a “Waterfowl Hunting Liability Waiver for 2018” to access the hunting area (signed by a parent, guardian or adult designee of parent or guardian for hunters under 18 years of age). All Waterfowl Hunting Liability Waivers must be deposited in the black lock box prior to hunting. The black lock box is located at a small shed in the Visitor Use Area just east of state Routes 78/97 and about one-half mile north of Dickson Mounds Museum Road
2. Each hunter must individually sign in on the “2018 Daily Hunter Harvest Register” located at a small shed in the Visitor Use Area just east of state Routes 78/97 and about one-half mile north of Dickson Mounds Museum Road prior to hunting. After hunting each person must individually sign out and record their harvest in the “2018 Daily Hunter Harvest Register”. Failure to sign in and out could make you ineligible for future hunts.
3. Hunting will be allowed only in areas designated by Conservancy staff. Hunters must stay within their pre-assigned hunting areas and within 166 yards of their stake and must remain a minimum of 200 yards from any other group.
4. Parking is allowed only at designated areas on the Preserve. Participants may drive only on established/marked roadways. Parking is allowed only on the east side of Clark Road. Note: Parking for each site is limited to a maximum of 4 vehicles.
5. If unable to make your hunting date that you were drawn for, you must notify us within 48 hours so we can fill your site. Failure to notify us could make you ineligible for future hunts.
6. Currently the Conservancy does not charge a fee for public waterfowl hunting at this Preserve. Becoming a member of the Conservancy is encouraged.
7. Any hunter under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The responsible adult assumes liability for all actions of the minor and must accompany said minor at all times while on the Preserve.
8. This Preserve has drainage ditches that may be hidden from view under the water. Always keep in mind the location of ditches. Observe extreme caution when wading in any waters.
9. Only artificial blind materials such as lay outs or camouflage netting are allowed. No person may bring natural blind materials onto the Preserve. There shall be no cutting, breaking or clearing of vegetation.
10. The use of Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMDs) (utility vehicles, ATVs, Segways, golf carts, etc.) on this property has been assessed in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. OPDMDs are prohibited except on disabled individual hunting dates.
11. Hunters must observe all State and Federal waterfowl regulations. Conservancy staff or designees may be present and violations will be reported to the Conservation Police.
12. The following are prohibited: Gas-powered motors (not even on the boat); unnecessary shooting or shooting at targets; possession of alcohol; dumping of ashes, trash, garbage, chemical waste or other materials; camping; fishing; and open fires.
13. Collecting and/or removing the following are prohibited: rocks, plants, fossils, plant materials, animals (other than legally taken waterfowl), and artifacts.
14. Law Violations or failing to abide by written rules or instructions from Conservancy staff or designees constitutes trespassing and may cause hunting privileges to be revoked.
15. These rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.
16. Only registered watercraft allowed on the lake.
17. Respect the privilege of hunting on this private property and the rights and safety of fellow hunters. Remove all spent shotgun casings and litter from your hunting site.
18. All gear must be removed from the Preserve each day.
19. Hunting ends promptly at 12:00 noon and hunters must vacate the Preserve by 1:00 PM.
· It is approximately 6 miles to the nearest hospital—Mason District Hospital in Havana (309.543.4431 or dial 911).
· To contact Illinois Department of Natural Resources Conservation Police call Fulton County Sheriff at 309.547.2277.
· For additional information, contact the Illinois Rivers Program Office at Emiquon 309.547.2730 during office hours (Monday through Thursday).
Press Release from:
Cammy Smith
Operations Administrator
(309) 547-2730 (Phone)
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Illinois Waterfowl Hunting Dates for 2018 - 2019 Released
A little over a month ago waterfowl hunters from across the state came together for the 2018 - 2019 waterfowl blind allocations. Below you'll see the respected zone and their dates for the 2018 -2019 Illinois Waterfowl Season. Again a 60 day duck season, 100 day Canada goose season and a liberal teal season are all evidence of great conservation by you the hunter and supporter of wetlands.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Illinois Waterfowl Groups and Hunters Meet to Discuss Unified Message to JCAR and IDNR
Waterfowl organizations along with the President of the Illinois Federation Outdoor Resources (IFOR) and other members met at the Migratory Waterfowl Hunters Inc. (MWH) building in Alton, Illinois to discuss the proposed rule changes regarding waterfowl blind material. This proposed rule is currently in front of JCAR with the possibility of a vote being taken on August 14th. JCAR is ‘a bipartisan legislative oversight committee authorized to conduct systematic reviews of administrative rules for state agencies.’ To fully understand the gravity of the issue at hand, you should know about the JCAR process.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
IDNR Fails to Address Waterfowl Hunters Regarding Proposed Rule Changes at Blind Drawings Across the State
This past weekend thousands of waterfowl hunters and enthusiasts attended waterfowl blind drawings across Illinois and how many of them received information from the DNR related to this new proposed rule regarding waterfowl blinds? Most likely, very few people received any information about this. If you recall we informed you of this when it was first introduced as legislation and it has since been filed as an administrative rule that is going through the JCAR process. During the first notice period, public comments are sent to the DNR related to the new rule. From the DNR 2nd Notice report you can see how many comments were sent in.
How many comments were received?
Following this proposal going on first notice, the Department received 382 comments regarding the proposed change. 380 comments were in opposition to the original proposed change, one comment in support of the change, and one commenter’s position was unknown.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Gives FYI to Lake DePue Waterfowl Hunters
The unofficial start to waterfowl season is just around the corner and whether you'll be shooting clays, hitting the fields for some dove or just getting the grill ready for a long day at blind drawings, it's coming. Are you attending the drawing at Lake DePue? If so, this post is for you! The IDNR is passing along an FYI to those of you who are hunting or plan to hunt Lake DePue State Fish and Wildife Area. "Due to infrastructure damage at the site, boat access to waterfowl blinds cannot be guaranteed for the 2018 - 2019 waterfowl season". Interested in attending another drawing? Check out the 2018 Waterfowl Blind Drawings across the state.
IDNR Alerts Hunters to Ongoing Maintenance Issues at Lake DePue
Access to waterfowl blind sites may not be possible
There's nothing like enjoying a sunrise in the waterfowl blind with some coffee. |
Friday, June 22, 2018
QUACK QUACK... IDNR Releases Dates for and Locations for Waterfowl Blind Drawings
North cool breeze is on the horizon. It may not seem like it now but, to a public land waterfowl hunter this is the time of year where the blood starts to pump. It's the first step to those cooler days and waterfowl locked up in your face. Each year the IDNR draws blinds for public waterfowl hunting. There are a few days, so try your luck at multiple locations. Bring the family it's a good time to cook out have some laugh and hope the odds are in your favor. In bold you'll see some of the crucial information you'll need in order to qualify for the drawings.
IDNR Announces Schedule of Waterfowl Blind Site Drawings
Drawings to be held for public hunting area waterfowl blind sites
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Calling Youth Goose Hunters, Register for Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt
This is a great opportunity to get those youngsters out of the warm house and into the waterfowl blind. Youth from ages 10 - 17 have the opportunity to register for this hunt. It's easy enough, just call!!!
Register Now for Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt
Annual Hunt is January 14-15
To register for a drawing to participate in the hunt, youth hunters must phone in to the IDNR at 217-785-8060 by the registration deadline of Friday, December 29.
The youth goose hunt will be held at private waterfowl hunting clubs in the Canton area in Fulton Co.
A lottery drawing involving all youth who phone in to register will be conducted on January 2, 2018, and youth hunters selected will be notified by mail. First-time applicants will be given a priority over previous participants in the drawing.
The hunt is open to youth ages 10-17 at the time of the hunt. All applicants must possess a valid Illinois hunting or sportsman's license, have a Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration number, and have a 20 gauge or larger shotgun. Youth hunt participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must possess a valid firearm owner's identification (FOID) card.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
An Illinois Waterfowl Story - When the Work Pays Off
Anyone who is passionate about something has put their blood, sweat and tears into it, regardless of what that is. As waterfowl hunters we have the ability to harvest a wide range of species, from the beautiful wood-duck to the ever-elusive snow goose. While chasing waterfowl, you'll bleed, you'll sweat, but you'll continue to put in the hard work.
Check out Cam's first hunt with Capitol Outdoors |
Monday, October 23, 2017
Disabled Hunters have Waterfowl Hunting Opportunity at Kaskaskia River SFWA
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is informing hunters with disabilities about an opportunity at Kaskaskia River State Fish and Wildlife Area. Share and spread the word. The outdoors should be experienced by everyone!
Waterfowl Hunting Blinds at Kaskaskia River SFWA for Hunters with Disabilities
BALDWIN, IL – With the upcoming waterfowl season approaching, the Kaskaskia River State Fish and Wildlife Area has hunting opportunities for hunters with disabilities. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has two designated handicapped waterfowl hunting blinds at the Dry Lake Area at Kaskaskia River SFWA – listed as the North or South blinds.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
2017 Emiquon Permit Application Due October 10, 2017
Each year we here at Capitol Outdoors look forward to the notification from the Nature Conservancy about waterfowl permit applications. Below you'll see how you can apply for this awesome waterfowl hunting experience. This application process is a little different so please READ CAREFULLY before submitting. Good luck to all those that apply. Before you read the following check out some of our past experiences out at Emiquon waterfowl hunting: Adapting the Outdoors Waterfowl Hunt & Waterfowl Hunt at Emiquon
Public Waterfowl Hunt Rules and Information (Revised 26 September 2017)
Waterfowl hunting opportunities (Public,Disabled and Youth) for the Nature Conservancy's Emiquon Preserve will be awarded via advanced drawing with registration by mail or email due by October 10, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
2017 - 2018 Waterfowl Season Dates Announced for Illinois
While hundreds of lucky blind winners prepare to build, repair and brush their blinds for the 2017 -2018 season the Illinois Department of Natural Resources released their season dates. Trying to find a place to go, but don't want to head home after waking up at 2:00 AM? Then try your luck in the permit draw. You'll find it at the end of the press release. The draw starts August 16th. Good Luck!
As it has been for my entire waterfowl hunting career, the 2017 -2018 duck season will be 60 days for ducks and 107 days for goose. The older generation may remember a 45 or 30 day waterfowl season. However, with strong conservation efforts from local, state and federal agencies along with private organizations the possibility for a 60 day season has increased.
NOTE: Central Illinois Goose Hunters: there is a split season!
If you're looking for other dates for various hunting seasons check out the 2017 - 2018 Hunters Digest. The 2017 - 2018 Waterfowl Digest has not been released yet. Please make sure to check back.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Unofficial Start of Waterfowl Season
Unofficial Start of Waterfowl Season

Monday, April 10, 2017
Meredosia Lake Waterfowl Hunting Open House on May 10
If you or someone you know hunts Meredosia Lake here's your chance to voice your concerns. The Illinois Department of Natural Resouces will be hosting an open house regarding Meredosia Lake and the waterfowl hunting program. Below you'll see the offical press release. Please share...
IDNR to Host Public Open House Meeting on Meredosia Lake Waterfowl Hunting Program on May 10
The IDNR will be soliciting public opinion regarding the number and placement of waterfowl blinds on Meredosia Lake. Attendees will be asked to fill out a survey in which they can suggest blind numbers and placement according to their preference. The meeting will be held in an open house format so that attendees may come and go as they please; there will be no set agenda and no formal presentation by IDNR. Personnel from the IDNR Division of Wildlife Resources and IDNR Office of Land Management will be available to answer questions. Information gathered at the meeting will help guide IDNR’s waterfowl hunting program at Meredosia Lake.
The public meeting will be held at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Meredosia Wildlife Refuge office, located at 2219 Beach Road, Meredosia, IL. The office is located just north of Meredosia along Beach Road (west side of the road). The meeting is open to waterfowl hunters and anyone else interested in the waterfowl program at Meredosia Lake. Alcohol and pets are not allowed on the grounds.
For more information, contact Tim Kelley at 309-543-3262 or Randy Smith at 217-785-2347.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Illinois 2017 Waterfowl Blind Sites and Dates Announced
Illinois 2017 Waterfowl Blind Sites and Dates Announced
Feels like the season just ended and for those snow goose hunters it did. However, it's already time to start thinking about the next season. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has released the 2017 Waterfowl Blind Sites and Dates. Hopefully this will be my lucky year and I will win a blind.
Like so many of you we grill out, share some stories and have some laughs. Duck blind Drawings have become a Family Affair for us. Best of luck to all participants this year. Please make sure you read this. There have been some changes. Most importantly there is a new rule requiring a photo ID.
Like so many of you we grill out, share some stories and have some laughs. Duck blind Drawings have become a Family Affair for us. Best of luck to all participants this year. Please make sure you read this. There have been some changes. Most importantly there is a new rule requiring a photo ID.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Apply Now for Pere Marquette Youth Wingshooting Clinic and Pheasant Hunt
What a great opportunity to get those youngsters outside and learn about wingshooting. While never a student for one of these clinics, Capitol Outdoors has observed one of these classes and can say this is a great chance for anyone who loves to waterfowl or upland game hunt. Read the press release below from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to find out more information and how to sign up.
Apply Now for Pere Marquette Youth Wingshooting Clinic and Pheasant Hunt
Event to be held March 4 at Pere Marquette State Park
Monday, November 21, 2016
Registration Open for Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt
Have a youngster that loves to waterfowl hunt? The IDNR has an opportunity for them then. Below is a press released about an opportunity for an Illinois Youth Goose Hunt. Best of luck for all those that participate.
Annual Hunt is January 15-16
SPRINGFIELD, IL – Youth interested in participating in the annual Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt, sponsored by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), can register now for the hunt, which is scheduled for January 15-16, 2017.
To register for a drawing to participate in the hunt, youth hunters must phone in to the IDNR at 217-785-8060 by theregistration deadline of Friday, December 30, 2018. The youth goose hunt will be held at private waterfowl hunting clubs in the Canton area in Fulton Co.
A lottery drawing involving all youth who phone in to register will be conducted on January 3, 2017, and youth hunters selected will be notified by mail. First-time applicants will be given a priority over previous participants in the drawing.
The hunt is open to youngsters ages 10-15 at the time of the hunt. All applicants must possess a valid Illinois hunting or sportsman's license, have a Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration number, and have a 20 gauge or larger shotgun. Youth hunt participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must possess a valid firearm owner's identification (FOID) card.
Registration Open for Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt
Annual Hunt is January 15-16
SPRINGFIELD, IL – Youth interested in participating in the annual Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt, sponsored by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), can register now for the hunt, which is scheduled for January 15-16, 2017.
To register for a drawing to participate in the hunt, youth hunters must phone in to the IDNR at 217-785-8060 by theregistration deadline of Friday, December 30, 2018. The youth goose hunt will be held at private waterfowl hunting clubs in the Canton area in Fulton Co.
A lottery drawing involving all youth who phone in to register will be conducted on January 3, 2017, and youth hunters selected will be notified by mail. First-time applicants will be given a priority over previous participants in the drawing.
The hunt is open to youngsters ages 10-15 at the time of the hunt. All applicants must possess a valid Illinois hunting or sportsman's license, have a Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration number, and have a 20 gauge or larger shotgun. Youth hunt participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must possess a valid firearm owner's identification (FOID) card.
To register for the hunt or for more information, call 217-785-8060.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Illinois Hunting, Fishing & Outdoor Expos 2017
Illinois Hunting, Fishing & Outdoor Expos 2017
Expo season is right around the corner and we will be attending many of the expos around the State of Illinois.
If you know of an outdoor show in your area, let us know about it! Capitol Outdoors is available to speak at your event!
- Let’s Go Fishing Show
Collinsville, Illinois
Jan. 6-8th 2017
-Chicago Muskie Expo
Chicago, Illinois
Jan. 6-8th 2017
- Chicago Boat, RV & Outdoors Show
Chicago, Illinois
Jan. 11-15th 2017
- All-Canada Show
St. Charles, Illinois
Jan. 12-15th 2017
- Chicago Outdoor Sports Show
Rosemont, Illinois
Jan. 19-22nd 2017
-Chicagoland Gunshow
Rosemont, Illinois
Jan, 19-22nd 2017
-Illinois Fish & Feather Expo
Bloomington, Illinois
Jan. 27-29th 2017
-Chicagoland Fishing, Travel & Outdoor Expo
Schaumburg, Illinois
Jan. 26-29th 2017
-Tinley Park Fishing Big Show
Tinley Park,Illinois
Feb. 11-12th 2017
-Rockford Boat, Vacation & Fishing Show
Rockford, Illinois
Feb. 17-19th 2017
-Central Illinois Outdoor Expo
Arthur, Illinois
February 10-11th 2017
- The QCCA Expo Center Outdoor Show
Rock Island, Illinois
Feb. 16-19th 2017
-Pheasant Fest (National)
Feb 17-19th 2017
-Indiana Deer, Turkey & Waterfowl Expo
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Feb. 23-26th 2017
-Elmwood All Outdoors Show
Elmwood High School
March 4-5th 2017
-Ducks Unlimited National Convention
May 31 - June 4th 2017
San Antonio, Texas
-Pheasant Fest (National)
Feb 17-19th 2017
-Indiana Deer, Turkey & Waterfowl Expo
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Feb. 23-26th 2017
-Elmwood All Outdoors Show
Elmwood High School
March 4-5th 2017
-Ducks Unlimited National Convention
May 31 - June 4th 2017
San Antonio, Texas
-Midwest Hunt Fest
Wichita, Kansas
-ICAST 2017
Orlando, Florida
July 11-14th 2017
-Illinois Deer & Turkey Expo
Peoria, Illinois
July 28 - 30th 2017
-Northern Illinois Hunting & Fishing Days
Silver Springs State Park, Yorkville Illinois
-Southern Illinois Hunting & Fishing Days
Carterville, Illinois
More shows and dates will be added as they become available.
Email us if you would like something on this list.
Wichita, Kansas
-ICAST 2017
Orlando, Florida
July 11-14th 2017
-Illinois Deer & Turkey Expo
Peoria, Illinois
July 28 - 30th 2017
-Northern Illinois Hunting & Fishing Days
Silver Springs State Park, Yorkville Illinois
-Southern Illinois Hunting & Fishing Days
Carterville, Illinois
More shows and dates will be added as they become available.
Email us if you would like something on this list.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
IDNR Adds Waterfowl Hunting Opportunities in Central Illinois
IDNR Adds Waterfowl Hunting Opportunities in Central Illinois

Friday, September 9, 2016
Nature Conservancy Offers Opportunity for Waterfowl Hunters
Nature Conservancy Offers Opportunity for Waterfowl Hunters
Looking for a opportunity to go waterfowl hunting? Emiquon owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy will be having a drawing to allocate will be doing there annual draw.
Tag along on some of our adventures from last year:
Waterfowl hunting opportunities (Public, Disabled and Youth) for the Nature Conservancy’s Emiquon Preserve will be awarded via advanced drawing with registration by mail or email due by October 5, 2016
Drawing Application Process
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